2025 OO FileDirect懶人包,推薦清單整理



O&O FileDirect makes it possible to share an unlimited number of files without having to load them in the cloud. This way your confidential files are never out ...

O&O FileDirect

O&O FileDirect is provided by O&O Software GmbH from Berlin, Germany. Recipients can download the file directly via the created link.

Topic: Privacy warning

I installed O&O FileDirect v1.0.275 on 21/06/2020. I tried it, found it didn't work properly, exited it and just left it.

OO FileDirect 免費雲端檔案上傳,免註冊帳號輕鬆分享檔案

△ 上傳檔案後就可以得到分享連結,就能將這串連結給朋友,朋友就能下載檔案。展開Advanced 可以設定檔案分享期限與設定密碼,設定之後Save 就能儲存設定。

Developer O&O Software

O&O FileDirect makes it possible to share an unlimited number of files without having to load them in the cloud. License: Freeware (Free). Size: 768 KB ...

Share Files directly with O&O FileDirect

評分 4.5 (3) O&O FileDirect is a free program for Microsoft Windows devices to share files directly with other users without parking them in the cloud first.

O&O FileDirect 免上傳,直接點對點傳送大檔給朋友

O&O FileDirect這個產生連結的工具軟體,真的很好用喔。只要將檔案拖曳進去軟體內,就會自動產生連結,還可以自行設定這個連結可使用的天數,或者是可下載的 ...

O&O FileDirect - instantly transfer files without cloud

O&O FileDirect makes it easy to share files and folders with an unlimited number of recipients (File Transfer).

O&O FileDirect

O&O FileDirect makes it possible to share an unlimited number of files without having to load them in the cloud. This way your confidential files are never out ...

O&O FileDirect 免費檔案分享軟體,點對點傳輸不用上傳免等待(英文)

O&O FileDirect 是一款免費的點對點檔案傳輸工具,能從電腦直接分享檔案不必上傳雲端,對方打開瀏覽器就能下載檔案無須安裝軟件,官方伺服器只會建立一個瀏覽 ...